Roasted ratatouille veggies with thyme scrambled eggs, and a spoonful of ricotta cheese sprinkled with smoked paprika. Strong coffee with a dash of pumpkin pie spice, soy milk, and a drizzle of honey.
Breakfast on our last full day together. It was a great way to start the day.
I didn't end up taking many pictures, but we went to Crane Beach in Ipswich and it was gorgeous. And then we took a really really really long walk on the beach (2 hours?) haha, during which time I collected these:
They really were not that pretty at all, but I just liked how they looked nesting like that. I had half a mind to use the large one as a soap dish. Varun made me leave them at the beach though.
Wearing and loving my new hat! The material only allows 1/50th of the sun's UV rays to penetrate the fabric. (You learn something new everyday...)
Finally, he smiles with me : )
After the beach, we drove 10 minutes to Chef Frank's Apple Street Farm in Essex, MA to attend my restaurant group's company party. During which we got extremely wasted. Coming full circle is a beautiful thing.
It's been a great ride the past 6 months!