colors are too gorgeous to resist a 2nd look
what a difference lighting makes. this is what the food looks like on my coffee table in my sunny living room
i made an omelette with scallions, garlic, s/p and then set it aside. meanwhile, i toasted up the israeli couscous in a small pot with some oil and then added water and cooked it to al dente. as the couscous cooked ( the world turned..) i sauted the honshimeji mushrooms in olive oil and a little butter until it was nicely seared. seasoned it wiht salt and pepper, added a bit of butter into the pan, scallions, garlic and then added the cherry tomatoes, some leftover white whine i had kicking around and let the tomatoes break down some. lastly i added my julienned peppers plus more garlic and scallions and adjusted the seasoning once more by adding more salt, pepper, a touch of vinegar and honey. then i dumped it onto my plate with the omelette and squeezed a little lemon juice over the couscous.
it was deliciously peppery, crunchy, tangy, hot, and slightly sweet. perfect with the couscous which i left more on the blander side.