
I like to cook the same things

Sunday Dinner


Unknown said...

Awesome! Did you deep fry your eggplant? I tried recently to make that dish by stir frying, but my eggplant all turned brown, as expected. If you didn't deep fry, I'd love to know how you kept it that beautiful purple color!

keyi said...

Hi Jen! no the eggplant was pan sauteed on very high heat in 2 batches so as not to crowd the pan and cause them to just steam up. Once they are all nicely seared but still not cooked through, I keep a small cup of water handy so I can add small amounts of water periodically to help the eggplant cook and prevent them from burning. I try to add a generous amount of oil in the beginning, so that all the pieces are well coated so that the heat distributes more evenly, but from there on out, I just add water to help it cook faster. : )Hope that helps!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Thanks for the tip. I still have a big bunch of basil, so maybe I'll try it again. Just have to pick up more Chinese eggplant . . . (where oh where in Cambridge would they have that . . . .)

keyi said...

whole foods babe : )