Nancy: mei, I adored your baby picture. so cute
me: hahah my baby picture?
are u looking at the albums?
Nancy: no, it is the one you posted on g-chat
me: hahah my baby picture?
are u looking at the albums?
Nancy: no, it is the one you posted on g-chat
me: HAHA mom u're ridiculous
i'm not a baby in that pic
i'm like
9 yrs old
and i don't look cute
i look really ugly!!
i'm not a baby in that pic
i'm like
9 yrs old
and i don't look cute
i look really ugly!!
you and dad always just think i'm cute hahah
Nancy: okay, so dorky
me: rigiht
i guess tha'ts hwat parents are for
to love you even tho you look dorky
Nancy: to love you even thou you have bad temper, hahah
Nancy: okay, so dorky
me: rigiht
i guess tha'ts hwat parents are for
to love you even tho you look dorky
Nancy: to love you even thou you have bad temper, hahah
(yes, my temper is indeed quite foul)
below is the picture my mom is referring to (I'm the one on the left -.- to the right is a picture of a (male) college classmate whom I bore a striking resemblance to as a child...thanks to loren for pointing it out..."same skin tone, same face shape...same glasses" haha but different hair!)

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